
一旦你已经完善了你的奖学金选择,并了解了详细的要求和选择标准, 你可以申请了. 在这个过程中, 你应该与你的顾问和奖学金办公室协商制定你的申请策略. This will involve understanding the deadlines involved, 制定写作计划, 起草应用程序的关键部分, requesting letters of recommendation. 申请准备工作在截止日期之前就开始了——你的计划应该在提交日期前一个学期就明确了. 与你的顾问协调, 奖学金办公室将帮助你完善和修改你的申请,直到它准备好提交.


Fellowship advising is linked to advising in your majors and with faculty mentors. 你关于奖学金的建议也可以来自你的拉撒路中心职业顾问、你的班级主任或你的留学顾问. When a fellowships plan takes shape and is approved by you and your 顾问s, then your work begins on your application. Through a series of exercises under fellowships 顾问 supervision, you will build the components of your application. 为富布赖特, where a large number of applicants work to complete the same application, your preparation takes place in a Moodle course structure. 

的奖学金 & 研究生奖学金项目顾问与你的教师顾问联系,作为确认你的奖学金计划的一部分. 奖学金需要 澳门葡京博彩软件 nomination or endorsement involve a longer period of advising and preparation. Some require formal application for a 澳门葡京博彩软件 nomination.



如果你正在考虑申请另一个奖学金或奖项,没有在截止日期文件中列出, prepare your own timetable and coordinate it with your letter writers:

  • What is the external submission deadline that applies to you? 注意日期 and the web page where you’ve found the information.
  • What is the external submission deadline that applies to your letter writers? 注意日期, the web page where you’ve found the information, how letter writers are asked to supply their letters.
  • Make an appointment to talk with your letter writers 1-2 months ahead of their deadline. 就他们在给你写信之前想看的信息达成一致,并设定提供这些信息的最后期限.
  • 制定自己的写作计划. 给自己足够的时间. 给自己设定一个完成第一份完整草稿的最后期限,至少比最后期限提前一个月. Get feedback on your draft from readers you trust. 修改你的草稿. 获得更多反馈. 你的目标应该是制作一份精美而真实的申请,清楚地表明你是如何满足和超越奖项要求的. 提供一个具体的和令人信服的案例,说明你是如何满足那些颁发奖项的人指定的选择标准的.
“Don’t worry too much about not having the ‘perfect’ resume, just apply and see what happens.”



奖学金选拔委员会在做决定时把推荐信放在非常重要的位置. 有说服力的信件来自那些表明他们很了解候选人并能证明他们相关素质的作者.

Think through who is best placed to write letters for particular fellowships.

的指导方针 & 策略

The following guidelines can help you organize your thoughts.


What 奖学金 Applicants Need to Know

If a fellowship requires the college to nominate or endorse candidates (see 代言 below), there are some implications for your conversations with letter writers:

  • 背书可能需要一份 初步提名申请.
  • 你和给你写信的人应该明白,澳门葡京博彩软件认可的申请人数量可能是有限的. Therefore, some internal competitions are competitive.
  • Candidates must anticipate the extra time required to prepare applications. Allow ample time for conversations with mentors, letter writers and fellowship 顾问s. 多份草稿不仅是可取的,而且是寻求大学认可的个人所必需的. 在外部截止日期之前,需要时间完成学院的背书信或候选人的报告.


  • 被推荐人应该告诉他们的教职员工导师和顾问他们感兴趣的特定奖学金. 请求, 不要以为, 你的导师, 顾问 or teacher will write a letter of recommendation for you. 讨论并提供简洁的资讯,以帮助你的信函作者了解某一特定奖学金的选择标准.
  • 内部的最后期限 are the relevant deadlines for fellowships that require nomination or endorsement.


推荐信应根据学生或校友申请的特定奖学金量身定制. 作为一个概括, all awards ask for you to address the applicant’s academic abilities and experiences, leadership qualities and their future impact or ambassadorial potential. They differ in terms of the emphasis they place on these elements. 他们都想要你的具体例子和观察,以帮助我们的奖学金申请人从竞争激烈的申请者中脱颖而出.

在下一个选项卡中, 我们提供的信息链接,旨在帮助您建议如何调整您的信件为特定的奖项. 每个奖学金信息表在 资源 also provides information about the internal Smith process and deadlines. If you have any questions or concerns, email fellowships@qfyx100.com.


我们知道,你们中的一些人可能有学生或最近的校友在类似的截止日期申请多个奖项. 在这种情况下, in the early stages of the application process, 我们建议你写一封更一般的信,你可以在最终申请截止日期临近时修改.

For suggestions on writing a letter of recommendation for a fellowship application, we provide  General 的指导方针 for Writing a 奖学金 Letter of Recommendation as part of Additional 资源 on our 资源 page. 简而言之, 你的信应该详细说明你的学生的智力能力和他们影响社会有意义变化的领导潜力.

Links to Foundation Websites for Writing Effective Letters

To write strong letters of recommendation for your students, please review the foundation websites and guidelines for application materials.

白洁 Undergraduate scholarship awards funding for graduate study in the arts, 人文学科, 以及社会科学  拜内克提名材料和表格
丘吉尔 UK STEM postgraduate scholarship at University of Cambridge 丘吉尔 Letter of Recommendation Instructions
德意志 德国研究生奖学金 德意志应用指南
富布赖特美国学生 International postgraduate fellowship for study/research, teaching English, or work in the arts




戈德华特  Undergraduate scholarship to recognize STEM majors planning research careers 戈德华特信件写作指导
Knight-Hennessy  Stanford University postgraduate scholarship Knight-Hennessy Advice for Recommenders
马歇尔 英国研究生奖学金 马歇尔推荐信息
米切尔 爱尔兰研究生奖学金 米切尔 Information for Recommenders and Endorsers
罗兹 英国研究生奖学金 at Oxford University 罗德参考资料
杜鲁门 Undergraduate scholarship awarding funds for graduate study to prepare for public service 杜鲁门 Guidance for 推荐信
“I have gained application skills that are useful for future applications and life after Smith. 我最自豪的是学会了如何把我热爱的研究想法,并能够通过我的写作和成功的拨款申请清楚地表达出来.”



  • The number of applicants endorsed by the college may be limited.
  • Endorsement may require 初步提名申请.
  • 学生 must anticipate the extra time required to prepare their applications. Allow ample time for conversations with mentors, letter writers and fellowship 顾问s. Multiple drafts are not just advisable, but required of students who seek college endorsement. 在外部截止日期之前,需要时间完成学院的背书信或候选人的报告.
  • 被推荐人应该告诉他们的教职员工导师和顾问他们感兴趣的特定奖学金. 请求, 不要以为, 你的导师, 顾问, or teacher will write a letter of recommendation for you. 讨论并提供简洁的资讯,以帮助你的信函作者了解某一特定奖学金的选择标准.
  • 内部截止日期是需要提名或认可的奖学金的相关截止日期.

准备申请全国竞争性研究生奖学金的最佳方法之一是申请早期竞争性奖学金. 我们鼓励本科生在秋季申请以下四个本科奖学金: 白洁, 戈德华特, 杜鲁门, 尤德尔. Interested undergraduates are asked to complete an 申请支援.

我们鼓励即将毕业的大四学生和最近的校友在春季站出来申请富布赖特奖学金或三种需要澳门葡京博彩软件提名或认可的英国研究生奖学金之一: 丘吉尔, 马歇尔, 罗兹.

We encourage individuals interested in making direct applications for 盖茨剑桥 在英国 Knight-Hennessy in the US to use this process to obtain support in planning their applications. 这些奖项竞争非常激烈, 就像需要澳门葡京博彩软件背书的奖项一样,需要同样的细心和关注细节. Application for 盖茨剑桥 or Knight-Hennessy does not require Smith endorsement.

Undergraduates and alums are asked to complete an 申请支援 如寻求提名或支持.

每个完成“支持申请”的学生或校友都将被要求确定他们的教师顾问和导师. One faculty member will be contacted by 奖学金 & 研究生奖学金计划 for an informal recommendation.

是否提名或认可本科生或最近的校友获得奖项的决定是在与教师协商后做出的. 角逐最激烈的奖项, 咨询可能会由澳门葡京博彩软件的遴选委员会正式确定,该委员会由教职员工和咨询人员组成. 在其他情况下, 咨询的对象可能是对候选人非常了解的教职员工,他们可以证明候选人在获得该奖项时可能具有竞争力.

联系 fellowships@qfyx100.com if you have questions or wish to know more about the fellowship endorsement process.